Call friends and family in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Philippines at a great new rate of 99 fils/minute. With our new international-calling ‘Wasel Homeland’ plan Wasel prepaid mobile customers enjoy the discount rate during special off-peak hours from 5pm to 9am, Saturday to Thursday, throughout the day on Friday and public holidays.
Extended off-peak hours mean you can call your family when it's convenient and not worry about time differences. You can comfortably talk for longer between the UAE and Asia.
No rentals or subscription fees, all local calls will be charged at 35 fils/min for the first minute and a flat day rate of 30 fils/min from the second minute onwards. Other international calls will not be affected and will be charged as per the normal rate and timings.
Subscribe to the 99 fils Wasel Homeland plan by sending an SMS, ‘e99’ to 1010. You can also subscribe through IVR (Interactive Voice Response) by calling 125, select ‘3’ and then select ‘1’ for the “Wasel Homeland” plan. You can also call customer service at 800 PROMO (77666) or visit your nearest Etisalat business center or outlet to subscribe or unsubscribe.
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